ECSTATIC DANCE SACRED VALLEY Feat. UJI 30.06.2024 (Argentina)

ECSTATIC DANCE SACRED VALLEY Feat. UJI 30.06.2024 (Argentina)

/español abajo

30.06.24 / 12:00-10:00pm
Arin, Munay Sonqo Retreat Center / Sacred Valley, Peru

The last dance of the season!
To answer the call of the Sacred Valley dance tribe we are activating the Munay Sonqo temple one last time before a few month break. Opening this magical space for another one day festival of music, cacao, dance, community, food, handicraft and connection. For this special occasion we have invited a legendary Argentinian producer and dj – UJI, mixing jungle and andean inspirations with trance inducing electronic beats. He collaborated with other favorite artists like Nicola Cruz, Rodrigo Gallardo or El Buho shaping the unique organic electronic sound of South America.

The opening Kirtan ceremony with Cacao will be held by the Pisac and La Pacha tribes. The closing sound ceremony will held by Onanya and his live looping shamanic journey. Join the last dance activation of the selenite crystal dancefloor under the sacred Apu Pitusiray.


Tickets available through
(The final price depends on form of payment and includes the % for the ticket platform)
Early Birds – 55 soles (Very limited)
1st Wave – 75 soles (Limited)
2nd Wave – 100 soles (Limited)
Late Bird/Door – 120 soles

Marketplace & Volunteers
Marta +51950713564



FULL: Ticket + Food (2 vegetarian meals) + Spa (Jacuzzi, Saunas, Salt cave, Ice Plunge) + private room – 450 soles

SPA: Ticket + Spa (Jacuzzi, Saunas, Salt cave, Ice Plunge) – 250 soles (Spa Session at 10pm / 22:00)

INFO: +51916320756

Time Table:

12:00 Opening Kirtan & Cacao
14:00 Sikuris
14:30 D. Vimana
15:30 Rhyz
16:30 Fidele
17:30 Cacao Ceremony
18:00 Raq
19:30 Uji
21:30 Onanya closing sound journey
22:00 Closing circle

Water, drinks, food, handicraft available throughout the event. Transportation will be provided back to Pisac at the end of the event(8-10 soles bus seat), but if possible plan your journey and car share.



Listen to UJI on Spotify:

Listen on Youtube:
El Buho – Xica Xica (Feat. UJI & Barrio Lindo)

Nicola Cruz – Invocacion (UJI Remix)

UJI – Jenga

UJI – Live set:


RAQ (pronounced RAKU 楽 jap. Comfort & Music)

Creator, dj/producer & host of the Ecstatic Dance sessions in the Sacred Valley of Peru.

During over 13 years of his musical career, from the Norwegian Fjord Rave, underground Tokyo venues, through the legendary Berlin Tresor, best polish clubs, to finally the Amazon Jungle and the Sacred Valley of Peru, as one of the very few in the world, he managed to avoid genre labeling and shared the line up with different artists like MOSE, Ape Chimba, Rodrigo Gallardo, Laboratorium Pieśni, Dengue Dengue Dengue, Flume and many more. He brought his plant medicine music selection to Ecstatic Dance Sessions in London, Berlin, Romania, Greece, Poland, Peru, Costa Rica and Mexico.


Multinstrumentalist sound explorer who creates with an unique feeling and touch.
His inspiration comes from the simple exploration of sound.
He believes in music as a storytelling sacred tool who makes is reach a deeper connection within ourselves.





It’s time to share a few words about the incredible space of Munay Sonqo Retreat & Yoga Center – Sach’a Munay where the event will take place and this time mention it’s unique story of an eastern european novel called The Witcher, bestselling video game and Ayahuasca healing. (!)

Munay Sonqo is probably the most amazing retreat center and temple space in Peru and one of the best ones in the world. The place is nestled below the sacred apu Pitusiray and nearby a waterfall. It’s gardens are full of flowers and humming birds, while there are 2 tons of selenite crystals under the wooden floor of the main temple where we will dance, with the view of Pitusiray through the glass roof. If you want to have some relaxation, you can also get the the spa ticket with jacuzzis, saunas, cold plunge and salt cave (200 soles ticket+spa). Or if you want to go with a full retreat you can rent a room, with food, spa and ticket included (450 soles).

Not many people know the story of the center, it was created by one of the owners of CD-Projekt Red, the game dev company that took a famous polish novel about a Witcher who takes different magical potions in order to slay demons and turned it into the best selling game in the world, making the owner rich but also destroyed with stress from work. It’s been ayahuasca, yoga and vipassana that helped him to heal and change his life. He decided to leave the gaming industry and share the healing he received, so he opened Munay Sonqo in orders for others to also experience the magic of these holistic modalities. 

Thanks to that we can now come together dance in the best space in Perú!


30.06.24 / 12:00-10:00pm
Arin, Munay Sonqo Retreat Center / Valle Sagrado, Perú

/español abajo

¡El último baile de la temporada!
Para responder al llamado de la tribu de danza del Valle Sagrado, estamos activando el templo Munay Sonqo por última vez antes de un receso de unos meses. Abriendo este espacio mágico para otro día de festival de música, cacao, danza, comunidad, comida, artesanía y conexión. Para esta ocasión especial hemos invitado a un legendario productor y dj argentino, la UJI, que mezcla inspiraciones selváticas y andinas con ritmos electrónicos que inducen al trance. Colaboró ​​con otros artistas favoritos como Nicola Cruz, Rodrigo Gallardo o El Buho dando forma al sonido electrónico orgánico único de Sudamérica.

La ceremonia inaugural de Kirtan con Cacao estará a cargo de las tribus Pisac y La Pacha. La ceremonia sonora de clausura estará a cargo de Onanya y su viaje chamánico en bucle en vivo. Únase a la última activación de baile de la pista de baile de cristal de selenita bajo el sagrado Apu Pitusiray.


Entradas disponibles a través de
(El precio final depende de la forma de pago e incluye el % correspondiente a la plataforma de boletos)
Early Birds – 55 soles (Muy limitado)
1ra Ola – 75 soles (Limitado)
2da Ola – 100 soles (Limitado)
Late Bird/Puerta – 120 soles

Mercado y voluntarios

Marta +51950713564

12:00 Apertura Kirtan y Cacao
14:00 Sikuris
14:30 D. Vimana
15:30 Rhyz
16:30 Fidele
17:30 Ceremonia del Cacao
18:00 Raq
19:30 Uji
21:30 Onanya cerrando viaje sonoro
22:00 Círculo de cierre

Agua, bebidas, comida, artesanía disponible durante todo el evento. Se proporcionará transporte de regreso a Pisac al final del evento (asientos en autobús de 8 a 10 soles), pero si es posible, planifique su viaje y comparta el automóvil.



FULL: Entrada + Alimentación (2 comidas vegetarianas) + Spa (Jacuzzi, Saunas, Cueva de sal, Ice Plunge) + habitación privada – 450 soles

SPA: Entrada + Spa (Jacuzzi, Saunas, Cueva de Sal, Ice Plunge) – 250 soles (Sesión de Spa a las 22:00 / 22:00)

INFORMACIÓN: +51916320756


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