Palo Santo (1kg)


(Bursera Graveolens) Palo Santo or Holy Wood is a natural wood aromatic incense used for centuries by the Incas and indigenous people of the Andes for medicinal purposes, as well as to get rid of evil spirits and misfortune.
The shamans in Ecuador and all over South America use the smoke of this wood for purifying and cleansing the energy of a person or a place, specially in ceremonies in the jungle.
It has a fine sweet and citrus aroma with underlying notes of frankincense and provides an uplifting scent that raises your vibration in preparation for meditation and allows for a deeper connection to the source of all creation.

Use a match or lighter to ignite your Palo Santo. Allow it to burn its tip for about 30 secs to 1 minute and then blow out. The rich smell will also bring peace and clarity to the moment along with good feelings. When finished, place the stick in a fire proof bowl. The glow will end on its own unless you blow on the ember which will keep the smoke going. You can re-light any time and reuse it.

These Palo Santo chunks are sustainably wild harvested from a reserve in Peru from naturally fallen trees and branches that lie dead for 4-10 years before they are harvested.

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Bursera graveolens, known in Spanish as palo santo (“holy stick”), is a wild tree native from the Yucatán Peninsula to Peru and Venezuela. It is widely used in ritual purification and as folk medicine for stomach ache, as a sudorific, and as liniment for rheumatism. Aged heartwood is rich in terpenes such as limonene and α-terpineol.

The use of palo santo from B. graveolens is traditional in South America, especially in Ecuador. According to the local customs, it is used against the “mala energía” (bad energy) (“Palo santo para limpiar tu casa de la mala energia, palo santo para la buena suerte” or “Palo santo to clean your house of bad energy, palo santo for good luck”), which may sometimes refer to clinical disease. Its use reportedly dates back to the Inca era. Palo santo is common today as a type of incense, which gives off an aroma reminiscent of baked apples or burnt sugar.

Palo santo oil was used during the time of the Incas for its reputed spiritual purifying properties. Today, palo santo oil may be applied to the body (such as at the base of the skull or on the spine) to increase relaxation, similar to aromatherapy.

Palo santo may be burned, similar to incense, by lighting shavings of palo santo wood. In Peru, a shaman, or medicine man, reportedly lights palo santo sticks and the rising smoke will enter the “energy field” of ritual participants to “clear misfortune, negative thoughtprints, and ‘evil spirits'”. Peruvians harvest fallen branches and twigs of the B. graveolens tree, a practice that is regulated by the government of Peru, so trees are not cut for wood harvesting. The charcoal of palo santo sticks can also be used for ritual smudging. Yoga studios and witchcraft practitioners utilize the substance.


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